I carry a smile to let everyone know that today, I am much stronger than I was yesterday...
Yesterday, as in just a few years ago, my life seemed nearly shattered when I became motherless in 2006. Having witnessed my dear mother take her finale breath in the arena of life, when she passed away prematurely from diabetes complications.
I was sad. I was hurt. I was depressed. I was in mourning, and it eventually led me to seek professional, medical help. The fact-of-the-matter was, my mourning started to affect my total health and well-being.
I remember the day I met my behavioral health doctor, who changed my life and provoked a wiliness in me to recover from the painful detour of loss.
"Your mother would not want to see you suffering in such a way", my behavioral health doctor said. And, so I listened and decided, I was going to persevere and be well.
I decided to start a support group to help others who had loss a parent to diabetes complications. Anyone affected by diabetes- the monster, I called it back then, were welcomed.
About eight of us met to support and uplift each other.
Still nagged by what I thought was a senseless way to die, after all, there are many people who live healthy, happy lives with diabetes. But what happened to my mother? Why didn't she get better? Why did she have disabling complications? It was simple. She simply did not manage her diabetes for what ever reason it was. I believe wholeheartedly that my mom wanted to be healthy, but unfortunately, I feel, she may have lacked some resources to survive. That is my honest, painful truth.
I started a nonprofit because I wanted to make a difference. I guess it's just the Aquarius in me. That Aquarius characteristic that encourages others to rebel against social injustices and to pursue freedom of articulation, and expression in our lives. I wanted to aid those who were in need of help managing diabetes. So I did, and that's how Ruby A. Neeson Diabetes Awareness Foundation came to be.
Nonprofits are deeply committed to building better and healthier communities. They deliver needed services, as well as improve governmental policies. My vision is that Ruby A. Neeson Diabetes Awareness Foundation nurtures culture, and will find solutions to social disparities to decrease the rapid growth of diabetes.
As the founder and executive director of Ruby A. Neeson Diabetes Awareness Foundation, Inc., I am dedicated and committed to being a pillow of support to those in low-income undeserved areas throughout Georgia. I have an amazing team that supports my efforts. We collaboratively, work together to expand the organizations mission.